If any such file that is related to the WaasMedic.exe process is missing or corrupted, this may cause the WassMedic.exe high CPU usage.
System File Checker checks the corrupted system files and fixes them. We can try to troubleshoot this error in the following ways. WaasMedic.exe High CPU Usage on Windows 11/10 This process ends itself when its work gets finished, but if this service is consuming CPU very intensively, you can walk through some solutions below. WassMedic.exe starts automatically in the background when any Windows update is being installed. If any damage happens to the Windows Update components, this service work as a remedy for update components. The main purpose of this service is to take care of the Windows Update components so that you can continue receiving future Windows updates without any interruption. Microsoft introduced this service called Windows Update Medic (WaasMedic.exe) in Windows 10.